Cleaning countertops shouldn’t be a stressful activity, it’s both necessary and simple to clean Mega Quartz countertops. Getting rid of germs and making your kitchen look clean are some of the benefits of taking the time needed to clean everything up. But not every cleaning agent is the best choice for your countertops, which is why a lot of people find themselves questioning whether it’s a good idea to use Clorox wipes to do so.
Are you wondering if you can clean your quartz countertops with Clorox wipes? You might be surprised at the answer. Read our overview to learn some of the other ways to keep your countertops looking brand new.
Can Clorox Wipes Clean Your Quartz Countertop?
The harsh truth is that Clorox wipes are not an effective way for cleaning quartz countertops. While using them gives the appearance of cleanliness, it actually causes unintentional damage to the countertop after prolonged use.
This happens because of the presence of citric acid in the Clorox wipes, which causes a quartz countertop to lose its color. When cleaning your countertops, you want to avoid any disinfectant wipes that have citric acid in them. Even if the scent is nice, you’ll be opening up your quartz countertop to other problems later.
Other household cleaners such as Windex, Lysol, and even vinegar are also bad to use. These products contain a high pH level and are very acidic, which can damage your beloved kitchen counters.

How Should You Clean Quartz Countertops?
You may not be able to use most house cleaning products to clean a quartz countertop, but there are better solutions. Using simple dish soap or antibacterial soap is sufficient enough to clean the surface thoroughly.
When it comes to stains, quartz countertops are stain-resistant because it is a hard material and is non-porous, meaning liquids won’t be absorbed into the surface of your countertop the way they might if you spilled on unsealed natural stone countertops such as marble. Although quartz surfaces have a high stain resistance, they are not completely stain proof as some food substances can leave a moderate to very faint residue behind. To prevent staining, any spills, dirt, grease or oils, your should routinely wipe your countertops to reduce the chance of a stain forming.

Cleaning Quartz Countertops Without Clorox Wipes
After reading our overview on Clorox wipes and quartz countertops, you’ll have a better understanding of why they aren’t a great solution. If you want to keep your quartz countertop looking beautiful and clean all the time, you’ll want to clean your countertops the right way without damaging it. Countertop maintenance doesn’t have to be difficult, especially when you approach it the right way.
Want to find out more about countertops for your home? Visit our website for new blog posts and a collection of quality countertops for any home.
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